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søndag den 15. maj 2011

Learning How To Deal With Death; Living A Lifetime Set Free in Only 10 Days!

“100 per cent of us die, and the percentage cannot be increased.” C.S. Lewis

Dying is a difficult topic to talk about. It's even more difficult to face, particularly if you have no idea what's waiting ”for you”. It's a common belief that good go to heaven, while terrible individuals go to hell. But if there's no certainty, the possibility can be quite terrifying.

In addition to not knowing where you are headed when you die, there is a load of other items that make death hard to deal with. Death means separation; separation from loved ones, from those things you loved and well...everything.

It also suggests hurting. The majority leave this life through pain and suffering. It's not often one just closes their eyes, takes their last breath and is gone not encountering some form of agony. Regardless of whether their death arrives quickly in a wreck, there may be frightening moments just before that which make their experience anything apart from agreeable.

Some time ago, my first husband was diagnosed with a rapidly metastasizing brain tumor and given some months to live. When I asked him if he was frightened to die he answered, "No, I'm not scared to die but I'm extremely terrified of the process." That seemed sensible to me. He anticipated, with great anticipation, what awaited him on the other side of this world but knew the journey he was taking would be filled with great pain and suffering - and it was.

Separation, suffering and the unknown of death makes it comprehensible why individuals fear it so. Yet, Scripture shows us death is a thing we need not fear, not if we "live" right. How we live makes all the difference in how we die.

“If you live wrong, you can’t die right.” Billy Sunday

If one chooses to live this life, for and by one's self, leaving God out of their life, then by their decision, when their days are finished, the only energy source and strength they will have to draw upon is their own. Sadly, they'll find out their private reservoir has zilch to offer them and even worse, they don't have any capability on their own to arrive in Heaven.

God’s Son is the sole way to Heaven.

John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God who is in Heaven) but through Me.”

Once we accepted Him and have a relationship with God through His son, we need not worry about dying any longer.

I Corinthians 15:55 “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”

To explain, death doesn't have the last say. Any followers of Jesus, death isn't final . It is simply a entrance to our real home, our ultimate destination, the destination we were created for. In our eternal home, all hurting, sadness, discomfort and illness will end. We will experience joy and pleasure beyond anything we could imagine. Dying, then, can basically become something we anticipate rather than fear due to where we will arrive. Even the method of death loses its scaring grip when one walks that journey with God, rather than on their own.

To find out more about pursing a relationship with God and experiencing His love that will truly set you free go to: How To Deal With Death

To view our video go to: How To Deal With Death

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