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onsdag den 15. juni 2011

Discovering How To Forgive Yourself; Experiencing A Lifetime Of Freedom in Just Ten Days!

We have all done things in our lives we wish we had not done. Often these things cause us sadness as we are reminded of them, while different things can cause so much heartache we can barely live with ourselves and we discover it's hard, or even impossible, to forgive ourselves for it. Maybe you can understand what I am talking about. You are so shamed of something that you have done that you cannot comprehend you might or should forgive yourself. As an alternative you're feeling all you can do is take the remainder of your life paying penance for it, in hopes that will take away the intolerable burden of guilt you are living with each day.

Regardless of your past wrongdoing, you can be freed from the burden you now carry, due to your unwillingness to forgive yourself. You may have sought the forgiveness of The Lord God for what you have done, but if you have not managed to forgive yourself, you may remain defeated, maybe bondage, till you choose to obey the Word of God and excuse yourself.

Often , when we glance at the original meaning and intent of of a word, we will be able to better know how to apply it to our lives. This is true as we glance at the Greek word for forgiveness which means to free fully, i.e. Literally relieve, release, dismiss or let die, pardon, divorce from, depart, dismiss, let go, loose, put ( send ) away, to release, to be freed.

To anyone who may ask, your Heavenly Father gives His gift of forgiveness, meaning; He totally frees, releases, dismisses and pardons us from the debt and guilt of our sin. He sets us "body, soul and spirit" at freedom. However, he doesnt stop there. He then tells us to pardon others, as well as forgiving ourselves, in the same way we've been forgiven, assuring us the power, by His Spirit, to do so.

How do you go about forgiving him or herself? There is no formula but these suggestion might be useful.

First, understand that one has to take the decision to forgive ones self primarily based on God's Word to do so. Forgiveness is a choice and an act of the will is necessary to cause it to happen.

Leviticus 19:18 claims you shall love your neighbor as yourself... Loving yourself is a command of Our Lord and love always includes forgiveness.

Next, if you have not already asked, ask God to pardon you for the sins you've done. It is vital to do this prior to working through forgiving yourself. Remember, He is waiting to forgive you and will graciously do so , if you only ask Him.

Nehemiah 9:17 But you are a God of forgiveness, Gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness.

Then, sit down quietly with The Lord God and ask His Holy Spirit to reveal to you the things that you've not let go of or given yourself forgiveness for. Write it all down on a piece of paper. Be certain and put down all the specific details list the names of individuals you hurt and the ways that you hurt them. ( Nobody will see your writings. )

From there be honest and express how you feel due to what you did; Are you annoyed at yourself? Do you feel ashamed? Unworthy? Be fair, for your Heavenly Father knows it all already. This is the best place to release all the feelings you have carried or attempted to deny.

Now, take the decision to pardon yourself as God has forgiven you. Literally release, dismiss, let die, pardon, let go, loose, put ( send ) away, release and set yourself at freedom from the wrong you are guilty of. Put your wrongdoing into His hands and ask Him to heal your emotional injuries and permit you to move forward without regrets, let go of the past and start fresh!
Eventually destroy your list and throw it in the bin as a visible reminder that the guilt of what you have done has been forgiven and carried away, gone for good.

Now, go and experience the healing, peace and freedom that is yours to enjoy as you praise God for His power of forgiveness.

To discover more about having a relationship with God and experiencing His love that will truly set you free click on: How To Forgive Yourself

To view our video click on: How To Forgive Yourself

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