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onsdag den 15. juni 2011

How To Surrender to God; Living A Life Of Freedom in Just 10 Days!

Who's Inquiring?
Surrender isn"t a hugely popular phrase in our culture. Even the initial few definitions within the dictionary possess some rather unfavorable connotations relevant to that phrase.

To declare to an opponent that she or he has won so that fighting as well as discord can stop.

To turn over ownership or perhaps control over something because of coercion or force.

To render to a formidable emotion, influence or temptation.

An act involving proclaiming defeat at the hands of the opposition.

From God's point of view, however, surrender is life-giving. His desire that people surrender to Him has nothing with regards to proclaiming defeat at the hand of your opponent, for the reason that God is actually for us. Surrender to God always leads to our triumph, certainly not your defeat. Pressure as well as coercion is definitely never ever a component of the formula. God asks, yet we certainly have an option to answer in whatever way we decide.

Why Surrender?
A loving God designed us because He desires a relationship with us. Relationship is the vital word here due to the fact God asks you to surrender to Him in the context of your relationship. He's not a God who wants to "lord His power" over us but rather, as your all knowing, all loving Creator He alone has knowledge of what's best for you in each and every area regarding our lives and He desires is to direct us upon the correct course so we can encounter a blessed and abundant life. He's explained to you that repeatedly within His Word. He additionally cautions you in His Word of the dangers that await individuals that question Him, choosing rather to live their own life according to their very own restricted wisdom and understanding.

Obstructions in Oder to Surrender
When all of us have been asked by a loving God for you to surrender our lives to Him, understanding that He alone possesses complete understanding of exactly what is the best possible (not necessarily the simplest) for us, just what keeps us from making that decision to do so?

Usually, it's pride. Pride raises it's awful head as well as will not allow us to bend your knee to God. Since the start of time, this has been man’s greatest impediment to be able to surrender. When God asked Adam as well as Eve to surrender their own will to His in the Garden of Eden, they refused, imagining that they knew a lot better than God did the thing that was ideal for them. They proudly as well as defiantly consumed the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and also evil, He wisely denied them. It is no different nowadays. Men and women, created by God, assume they understand much better than the One who designed them, what exactly is best for them. Yet, it takes place -every day - in scores of lives. This would be rather entertaining, if this weren't so significant.

Pride isn't the only obstruction so that you can surrender, however. Fearfulness and unbelief in addition have a significant part to play. Fear and unbelief, based upon inaccurate and also not complete comprehension of God, can cause you to question that God absolutely 's all knowing, all loving, all wise and also caring and thus, He cannot (or will not) direct them on a course which is designed for their own ultimate good.

God is definitely which He said He is and will do just what He states that He will do. He has proven this consistently within the lives of His children who've selected to surrender to Him. I urge that you take Him at His Word and surrender yourself to him today.

To learn more about having a relationship with God and discovering His love that will that will lead you to a life of freedom click on: How To Surrender To God

How To Surrender To God

Discovering How To Forgive Yourself; Experiencing A Lifetime Of Freedom in Just Ten Days!

We have all done things in our lives we wish we had not done. Often these things cause us sadness as we are reminded of them, while different things can cause so much heartache we can barely live with ourselves and we discover it's hard, or even impossible, to forgive ourselves for it. Maybe you can understand what I am talking about. You are so shamed of something that you have done that you cannot comprehend you might or should forgive yourself. As an alternative you're feeling all you can do is take the remainder of your life paying penance for it, in hopes that will take away the intolerable burden of guilt you are living with each day.

Regardless of your past wrongdoing, you can be freed from the burden you now carry, due to your unwillingness to forgive yourself. You may have sought the forgiveness of The Lord God for what you have done, but if you have not managed to forgive yourself, you may remain defeated, maybe bondage, till you choose to obey the Word of God and excuse yourself.

Often , when we glance at the original meaning and intent of of a word, we will be able to better know how to apply it to our lives. This is true as we glance at the Greek word for forgiveness which means to free fully, i.e. Literally relieve, release, dismiss or let die, pardon, divorce from, depart, dismiss, let go, loose, put ( send ) away, to release, to be freed.

To anyone who may ask, your Heavenly Father gives His gift of forgiveness, meaning; He totally frees, releases, dismisses and pardons us from the debt and guilt of our sin. He sets us "body, soul and spirit" at freedom. However, he doesnt stop there. He then tells us to pardon others, as well as forgiving ourselves, in the same way we've been forgiven, assuring us the power, by His Spirit, to do so.

How do you go about forgiving him or herself? There is no formula but these suggestion might be useful.

First, understand that one has to take the decision to forgive ones self primarily based on God's Word to do so. Forgiveness is a choice and an act of the will is necessary to cause it to happen.

Leviticus 19:18 claims you shall love your neighbor as yourself... Loving yourself is a command of Our Lord and love always includes forgiveness.

Next, if you have not already asked, ask God to pardon you for the sins you've done. It is vital to do this prior to working through forgiving yourself. Remember, He is waiting to forgive you and will graciously do so , if you only ask Him.

Nehemiah 9:17 But you are a God of forgiveness, Gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness.

Then, sit down quietly with The Lord God and ask His Holy Spirit to reveal to you the things that you've not let go of or given yourself forgiveness for. Write it all down on a piece of paper. Be certain and put down all the specific details list the names of individuals you hurt and the ways that you hurt them. ( Nobody will see your writings. )

From there be honest and express how you feel due to what you did; Are you annoyed at yourself? Do you feel ashamed? Unworthy? Be fair, for your Heavenly Father knows it all already. This is the best place to release all the feelings you have carried or attempted to deny.

Now, take the decision to pardon yourself as God has forgiven you. Literally release, dismiss, let die, pardon, let go, loose, put ( send ) away, release and set yourself at freedom from the wrong you are guilty of. Put your wrongdoing into His hands and ask Him to heal your emotional injuries and permit you to move forward without regrets, let go of the past and start fresh!
Eventually destroy your list and throw it in the bin as a visible reminder that the guilt of what you have done has been forgiven and carried away, gone for good.

Now, go and experience the healing, peace and freedom that is yours to enjoy as you praise God for His power of forgiveness.

To discover more about having a relationship with God and experiencing His love that will truly set you free click on: How To Forgive Yourself

To view our video click on: How To Forgive Yourself

5 Secrets for Reprogramming the Unconscious Mind for Greatness with a Gratitude Attitude

Some of the latest scientific studies have verified knowledge that has been passed down to us from ancient times. An attitude of gratitude can virtually change your life forever! With some focus and willpower, retraining the subconscious mind for success couldn’t be easier.

You may not have ever noticed that thankfulness has such an amazing power to enhance your life. Alternatively, you may have observed that harboring negative emotions like resentment, anger, and fear creates negative effects for quality of your well-being, as well as your life in general and your health.

If you want less of these unfavorable symptoms and more "feel good" feelings like happiness, connectedness, and love, then thankfulness could be just what you’ve been searching for. To verify the power of gratitude, think of anything you are grateful for and notice how it affects your anxieties and concerns.

Some Ways Gratitude Can Become the Key to Awesome Success

1. Increase your relationships by transforming animosity and criticism into appreciation.

2. Elevate your self-esteem by changing self-deprecation into self-assurance.

3. Experience more joyfulness by changing “one of those days” into the finest day ever.

4. Improve feelings of wellness by changing anxiety into well-being.

5. Create more success by turning fear of failure into appreciation of improvement.

How Could You Do This?

The secret to reaping the rewards from the experience of thankfulness is in the uplifting energy. Most people have heard of} good vibes and bad vibes. thankfulness is clearly the most uplifting energy around. And when you are experiencing the good vibrations that expressions of thankfulness produce, you can’t also be experiencing “bad vibes” such as stress and dread.

Find out for yourself. To begin, observe when you’re feeling pessimistic and decide that you want to shift your vibration. The key here is that you need to open your mind. When you observe that you are feeling hurried, fearful, worried, or whatever, stop what you’re doing. Take a couple of nice deep breaths and settle into just being where you are now. Take a look around and let yourself unwind. This should be a good start.

Now think of something you are grateful for. It doesn’t matter how big it is. You can simply be grateful that you have clean air to breathe or that you can see a lovely picture on the wall. Observe the shift and be grateful that you can break negative momentums.

You might find it helpful to start each day by creating a checklist of things you can effortlessly be grateful for, such as your pet, your home, having food to eat, and more. If you spend just a few minutes focusing your attention on these blessings, your vibration will assuredly shift.

Now think of how you want your day to go from here and feel gratitude that you have a choice.

The final secret is that you have to do this every day. It is repetition that changes the subconscious mind. And with a focus on thankfulness, reprogramming the subconscious mind for health, succcess, happiness, and confidence couldn’t be easier or more enjoyable. Every day can be a blessing when you intend it to be so.

Want to Learn More About Gratitude?

CLICK HERE to go to another article on how gratitude can be your key for creating success and prosperity.

Also be sure not to miss more tremendous success secrets at http://awesomesuccesssecrets.com.

tirsdag den 14. juni 2011

Learn How To Forgive Someone; Experiencing A Life Of Freedom in Just Ten Days!

If you are like a lot of people in the modern day world, you have been awfully wounded or wronged, abused or mistreated and to add insult to injury, it was more than likely done at the hand of a family member or trusted friend. The pain it has brought to your life will not depart and you are in an emotional prison as a result.

It may be that over the course of time, justice is being delivered when or if those responsible are made to pay for the injustice or pain they inflicted on you. It may not be justice, perhaps, it may be the results of what they did has come back full circle to hurt them due to their past behavior.

However, to believe that retribution or some form of justice will bring the healing and assurance critical to move on, is to be mislead and is a set-up for major dissatisfaction. And, what if justice is never delivered and people who let you down or caused such terrible pain, never pay for it in any fashion? Now what do you do?

Like it or not, the only real way to true healing and restoration is thru giving forgiveness to the one who created the pain in your life. Surely, many will cringe at the thought of forgiving the one accountable for so much agony in their lives. From a human or "rational" viewpoint, it makes almost no sense in any way. Yet, there's no bigger power to allow us to go from the pain, brought on us by someone else, than to pardon the person who caused it.

Not being willing to forgive is deleterious and can cause terrible consequences. It's like a fire that smolders in the heart and smothers the soul. It's so insidious that one can be totally ignorant of the damage it does, till it is too late.

People who are unwilling to forgive live as victims and spend plenty of their time and energy justifying it. They are obsessed with the incorrect done to them and are fast to point out, to anyone that will listen, the lack of understanding people have concerning how much they have suffered or the pain they have endured. In truth, they are right. The majority can't, nor will they ever, actually understand the the hurting of someone else. Yet, what is the benefit of remaining in that misery and attempting to draw others into that unhappiness together with them? There is absolutely no healing in that?

Unforgiving people are quick to . They can be extremely responsive to any wrongs cast on them, regardless of how tiny the offense was. They are obsessed with the wrong actions that happened to them in the past and are totally certain no no one’s life is as unpleasant as theirs were. They take pleasure in the power their pain appears to give them over friends and enemies alike, as they need more and more pity and understanding. They are oblivious to the pain their refusing to forgive inflicts on people and not even caring that focusing all their attention on their own pain only serves to make everyone else around them unhappy. In short, unforgiving people are some of the most unhappy people in the world. All signs that might, if they were listening, cold alert them to the damage being done to their souls, as they decide on their own to live out their lives not forgiving others.

If being unwilling to forgive is an issue for you, as it is for so many individuals, what can be done about it? The very first thing, is to recognize that your Heavenly Father has extended an offer of unconditional forgiveness to you, should you decide to accept the offer. You receive it by believing in His Son Jesus Christ and confessing that He's Lord and then requesting for God's forgiveness. God’s Word says we are all sinners and in need of God forgiving us so we will be reconciled to Him.

Once you receive His forgiveness, the Bible tells us that the power you will receive is that of Our Lord God, thru His Holy Spirit who comes to reside inside of you, to do the things He asks you to do, like forgiving others no matter how horrible the violation or abuse. It doesn't mean you deny the evildoing or pain it caused or that you try to excuse it or justify it in any fashion. It might be disingenuous and demeaning not to recognize and acknowledge something extraordinarily cruel and inexcusable was done to you and that it never should have happened. To do therefore would minimize the seriousness of His forgiving and its ability to heal a broken heart and a devastated soul.

Forgiving others does not always mean you do not remember. Nevertheless as the healing takes place, the memory of the situation won't trigger the sheer emotions it once did. The memories instead will begin to fade and their hold will diminish. Rather than hitting all of your buttons, the memory will be more about the time you pardoned or the method of compassion you have made a commitment to.

Forgiving others isn't just some good feeling or altered emotion towards another. Forgiveness is an act of the will. We have got the responsibility, and the authority as children of The Lord God, to offer to others the forgiveness that God has given us. That's what Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:21-35, and be assured He wouldn't tell us to do something we didn't have the power to do thru Him!

Where does forgiveness start, presuming the one who needs to forgive has been forgiven by God, is now in relationship with Him and has His power to offer it to another? This could come as a surprise, but step 1 is to examine what's happened to our heart following the wounding or offense. Did it result in deep-seated anger, acrimony or acrimony? Did we talk unlovingly about them to others? Did we retaliate in some way? If this is so we are pretty much as guilty before God as our offender and we must confess that to Him. Regardless of what they originally did to us, we must confess our loathing, antagonism or angriness towards our offender. This doesn't in any fashion decrease or affirm their action. Its purpose is to allow our heart to be cleansed from our own wicked reaction to the offense, in order that it is free to forgive and be healed.

Another forceful step to add in the forgiving process is to praise your offender every time you think about what they did and the pain they caused you. I Peter 3:8-9 tells uss ;

"To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, loving, kindhearted and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the purpose that you could inherit a blessing."

When you bless others who have hurt or cursed you, God says, you will receive a blessing as a result. Blessings promote healing, for every party involved, those that have offended or hurt you. That's God's ultimate wish, that all involved be healed, forgiven and revived.

You may write a letter that you don't SEND to the person that hurt you. Tell them everything that they did that hurt you and how you're feeling as a result. If you are angry with them, tell them. Be particularly fair. Writing touches the emotional side of our brain and allows us to get in touch with what we are actually feeling. It's been said that most Christians are stuck in their anger because they deny it exists.

Get beside and alone with Almighty God, once you've written everything you wish to say and read it aloud to Him, making absolutely sure that no one else can hear you. After you have said ( and yelled ) everything you wished to say and make a conscious choice to give forgiveness, remembering you can only really give forgiveness with the Lord God's help and power. Then say, "In Jesus Name (because that's where your power and authority comes from) I forgive you".

List the name(s) of your offender and say specifically what you are forgiving them for. The next step should be "I release you and I bless you." When you bless them, try blessing them in each way you want God to praise you. You will soon begin to notice that joy and blessings and love will start to flow in your heart and life again. Be certain to destroy the letter!

While restoration of a damaged relationship is a deserving goal, there are circumstances and situations where it isn't possible or realistic; like when the offender has died or is no longer psychologically cognizant. Or when a person has been the victim of rape. With no regard for the crime or agony inflicted on the victim, there will be no healing apart from forgiveness and there will be no forgiveness apart from the power of Almighty God to do so.

God longs for you to be set free from the prison of unforgiveness and guarantees you the power to do it. Take a step forward by asking Him and your prison doors could swing open in minutes. Let God's transforming power of forgiveness flood your heart and you will never be the same.

"And so I discovered that it's not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness the world's healing hinges, but on God's. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, together with the command, the love itself." Corrie Ten Boom.

To discover more about pursing an intimate relationship with God and experiencing His love that will that will lead you to a life of freedom click on: How To Forgive Someone

To watch our video click on: How To Forgive Someone

A Brief Outline Review Of Bob Proctor Six Minutes To Success Personal Development Assistance Program.

There are several people who travel around the country holding workshops to help people achieve the goals they set for themselves. These individuals can be classified as motivational speakers who focus on a broader range of subjects in a person's life than those speakers who deal exclusively in wealth. The Bob Proctor six minutes to success Personal Development Program is a different approach to helping people get what they want out of life. This 6 minutes video program is designed as an interactive online course that takes roughly one year to thirteen months to complete. Interested people need to fill out an application and questionnaire before being accepted into the course.

Read More Reviews Here 6 Minutes To Success Review

Whenever a person enrolls within this Six Minutes To Success self improvement program they get a package with several e-books an internet-based six to ten minutes videos distributed throughout the twelves or 13 weeks in various occasions throughout every season. Additionally they get setup having a membership that enables them use of a private websites with information and may play in the various conference calls given through the course. The calls are the only method the people interact directly with Bob or his team of professionals. You should be accessible of these conferences through either the web or the local phone system.

Mr. Proctor acquired an advanced of exposure when he made an appearance within the movie “The Secret”. His teaching is dependent on the concepts based in the Law Of Attraction, which essentially gives everybody control over their very own conditions in existence. They secret is in finding out how to recognize and employ this control to understand the occasions that occur inside a person's existence. By comprehending the mind energy and just how it produces the planet around us, people can learn how to make options which will place them into situations they would like to maintain. When creating options there's a large difference when someone knows they have complete control so when they feel control has run out of their hands.

People might wonder if it is really necessary to use an intensive personal development program such as Bob Proctor six minutes to success Coaching, in order to achieve a successful lifestyle. The answer lies within the metal programming and conditioning of the mind. People who have experienced a lot of negativity have absorbed this negative outlook on life even if they are not consciously aware of it. If a person does not believe they can succeed at something, they will not succeed at it no matter how much effort they put forth. These programs help retrain and recondition the mind so it does believe in attaining anything.

Check Bob Proctor Free Coaching Videos On Facebook Visit Bob Proctor Free Videos

Exactly How Music Therapy May Help End Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks could be alleviated through the calmness music therapy can bring. To achieve the best possible results, it is important to select music which has a calming effect such as meditation or classical pieces. For example, meditation music is very calming and may help produce a sense of well being, peace and harmony.

Another type of music that produces a calming effect is instrumental music. String instruments is an ear candy to everyone and has great powers to relieve anxiety and panic attacks.. Excellent examples of classical music that can help you enter a calm and relaxed state include many concertos, Handel's Messiah and the Dance of the Blessed Spirits by the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie.

CD collections that are from the sound of nature is also great. The sound of waterfalls, brooks or streams, the ocean, birds chirping, rustling leaves, rainfall or the wind blowing.

Eliminate Anxiety Now

My mom suffered from fatal cancer together with extreme pain as the cancer ravaged her body. She would listen to sounds of nature on a tape deck as therapy during her painful and very stressful cancer treatments. It keeps her negative thoughts out of her mind and gives him a calming mind..

Scientific study has found that music assists in easing anxiety and our notion of discomfort. Studies back this up as patients awaiting and even during a surgical or other operation were positively impacted by music which helped then to stay calm and decrease anxiety about the medical experience.
Additionally, researchers have determined that people who are undergoing medical treatment actually show an improvement in their immune system after the music therapy has been introduced to their treatment regimen.

This is true since it's already backed up by medical research.. There's proof that people who experiences anxiety feels significant release after they have undergone music therapy.

Why don't you listen to some relaxing music when you are driving a car on the freeway?It's a good way to decrease stress and also to avoid anxiety and panic attacks by staying away from negative thoughts while you benefit from the peaceful sounds of lovely music.

Music may bring vividly great memories. After I hear pieces that my grandma and grandpa loved at family gathering I become calm and also happy...much for an anxiety attack! I have now came into another place where the system is positive and stress free.

Eliminate Anxiety and Live a Happy Life!